sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

In the IDEAL newspaper of Granada (Andalucía-Spain) on Saturday 9 February 2019 and until Saturday 16: 'Scout Mass in the parish of La Magdalena', at the beginning of the acts of the Gilwell Scout Club of Granada on the occasion of the World Centenary of Wood Badge.- In October, a Round Table on the 'Centennial of the Wood Badge' and a Scout Brotherhood meal, with musical table, organized by the Gilwell Club of Granada, are planned.-

In the IDEAL newspaper of Granada on Saturday 9 February 2019 and until Saturday 16: 'Scout Mass in the parish of La Magdalena', at the beginning of the acts of the Gilwell Scout Club of Granada on the occasion of the World Centenary of the Insignia of Wood.
On Saturday, February 16, at 7:00 pm, on the occasion of the Scout Thought Day, on the 162nd anniversary of the birth of Baden-Powell, the Eucharist organized by the Gilwell Scout Club of Granada (Spain) will take place in the parish of Santa María Magdalena on Calle Puentezuelas. The Gilwell Scout Club of Granada the Scouts and Guides Adults of the Guild of AGAE-AISG, as an act of grace for the scouting in Granada and by the members of the great family of scouts, scouts and guides who died. The scout counselor Victorino Benlloch will officiate and the Musical Guild will intervene. 

In this way the Gilwell Scout Club of Granada initiates the Centennial Events of the Wood Badge that is Commemorated World Wood Badge. 
Please bring scout neckerchief to the scouting members.
In October, a Round Table on the 'Centennial of the Wood Badge' and a Scout Brotherhood meal at the Comendadoras de Santiago, with musical table, organized by the Gilwell Club of Granada, are planned.