'Foto oficial' del Contingente de la Federación de Escultismo en España en el #Roverway2018.
Con Craig Turpie, Presidente del Comité Scout Mundial; y Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretario General Scout Mundial OMMS-WOMS.
El Equipo de la Federación de Escultismo en España que ha trabajado para el Contingente Español en el #Roverway2018.
A word which will always have a special meaning. It is beyond words to
walk around the campsite and see all the fun, the dialogues, the
friendships that are forged, the discoveries that are made, the
awareness that is developed. This time, in The Netherlands, 4500 people
from 53 countries came together for all that and much more. It was a
privilege to confirm again that Scouting can be relevant, meaningful and
exciting for young adults of the XXI century…100 years after Rovering
was founded. #rovers100